Equine Therapy
Indicators for misalignment in your horses body
We have all had horses that we ride and work with, and we know that there is a problem with the way the horse moves, that this horse is OFF.
I listed some of the main indicators for an imbalance in your horses body.
Not all problems emerge from misalignment in the horses back, but such symptoms are good indicators if a back problem is suspected.
If you have any questions or would like to meet with me in person, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Does your Horse…?
- Refuse to pick up leads?
- Throw his head?
- Have definite undetermined lameness?
- Is stiff down the legs or hindquarters?
- Have poor disposition?
- Rock from one leg to other?
- Holds head turned to one side?
- Will not back up?
- Cannot stop with hindquarters under?
- Scuffs or drags toes?
- Reoccurring lameness?
- Have trouble holding/gaining weight?
- Holds tail off to one side?
- Stands with legs cocked or points consistently?
- Unlevel movement
- Uneven strides
- Uneasiness when trotting uphill or downhill
- Skewing over fences when jumping
- Uneasiness when saddling
- Continual bucking
- Inability to come off the forehand
- Inability to strike off on a certain canter lead
- Decreasing performance
- Reluctance to pick up a certain hoof
- Abnormal posture
- Grinding of the teeth
Some previous reasons for distress signs why your horses movement could be OFF.
- Serious Fall
- Flipped over while pulling back
- Trailer accidents
- Overexertion of muscles
- Cast in stall or under fence
- Excessive training